December 7, 2022 release notes


Dashboard image card size controls

Images in dashboard cards may be resized to either the height or width of the image, or fill the entire card. Extra space may optionally be filled with an RGB, HSL, or hex background color.

Image card edit dialog, configured to constrain height and fill the remainder of the card with RGB (255,0,0). The image on the card is a screenshot of an animated badgers GIF.


Observe GCP app GA

The Observe GCP app has been released for general availability. Thank you to everyone who tested the preview release and provided feedback!

Observe MySQL app

Monitor the health of your MySQL databases with the Observe MySQL Database Service app. The app includes dashboards and datasets for errors, logs, slow queries, and more.

Google Kubernetes Engine

The Observe GCP app now supports Google Kubernetes Engine. View details about your GKE clusters and nodes, and optionally link to additional resources from the Observe Kubernetes app.