Uninstalling the MySQL DB App

Data Collection Uninstall

To uninstall the data collection for your managed instances, follow the below instructions:

1. Remove the Telegraf configuration file /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d/inputs.mysql.conf as well as the FluentBit config file /etc/td-agent-bit/observe-mysql.conf.

2. Restart Telegraf using the command service telegraf restart.

3. Restart Fluent Bit using the command service td-agent-bit restart.

4. (Optionally) Remove the additional observability lines in your my.conf from this installation step.

5. Disable the connection between your MySQL DB instance and Telegraf by deleting the telegraf-client user.

DROP USER 'telegraf-client'@'localhost';

Be sure to restart your MySQL DB service if necessary for any of these changes to take effect.

To uninstall the data collection for instances you do not manage, follow the below instructions:

1.On the server that you manage, where you installed Telegraf, remove the Telegraf configuration file /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d/inputs.mysql.conf.

2. Restart Telegraf using the command service telegraf restart.

3. On your MySQL DB instance, disable remote connections from Telegraf by deleting the telegraf-client user.

DROP USER 'telegraf-client';

App Uninstall

To uninstall the MySQL app from your Observe workspace, follow the deletion instructions located at Apps page.