MongoDB Atlas

MongoDB Atlas is a fully managed cloud database service provided by MongoDB, the company behind the popular NoSQL database MongoDB. It offers a simplified way to deploy, manage, and scale MongoDB databases in the cloud, without the need for manual infrastructure provisioning or database administration tasks.

Observe helps you monitor the MongoDB Atlas activity of your organization. The app helps you answer questions such as the following:

  • Is the database query performance healthy? Are there high latency or error rates?

  • Are the database processes reaching connection limits? Are they returning connection errors?

  • Is memory or storage space allocated too low for stable cluster operations?

The MongoDB Atlas app installs the following datasets by default:

Event Datasets

  • Metrics

  • Poller Events

Resource Datasets

  • Project

  • Cluster

  • Process

  • Organization

  • Org User

  • Database User

Viewing MongoDB Atlas Data in Observe

When you install the MongoDB Atlas app, the app also installs default dashboards for monitoring and reviewing MongoDB Atlas events. The following dashboards are installed by default:

  • MongoDB Atlas/Home

  • MongoDB Atlas/Monitoring

  • MongoDB Atlas/Performance

MongoDB Atlas/Home Dashboard

The MongoDB Atlas/Home dashboard provides a high-level overview of your organizational output, with information on the following activity:

  • Clusters

  • Metric Highlights

Home dashboard for MongoDB Atlas.

Figure 1 - MongoDB Atlas/Home dashboard

Use the dashboard for debugging and troubleshooting as well as viewing the activity in your MongoDB organization within a time window. Use it to answer questions such as:

  • How many clusters are in my organization? What is their state and relevant metadata?

  • What are the recently collected metrics? Which processes are active?

  • What are some metric highlights as it related to a cluster? Are any clusters facing issues in operations, connections, etc?

MongoDB Atlas/Monitoring Dashboard

The MongoDB Atlas/Monitoring dashboard provides a summarized view of the operations of your MongoDB Atlas clusters and processes:

  • Asserts

  • Operations

  • Connection Availability

Switch to other dashboards to get a more detailed view of this data.

Monitoring dashboard for MongoDB Atlas.

Figure 2 - MongoDB Atlas/Monitoring dashboard

MongoDB Atlas/Performance Dashboard

The MongoDB Atlas/Performance dashboard provides a deeper view into the MongoDB engine and host performance underlying your database queries.

Performance dashboard for MongoDB

Figure 3 - MongoDB Atlas/Performance dashboard

Use this dashboard to get a more detailed view of the operations of your MongoDB Atlas processes:

  • Read/Write statistics

  • Networking metrics

  • CPU and memory metrics

  • Storage metrics

  • Cache metrics


The MongoDB Atlas app ingests data from the Observe API poller. To install and configure data collection, see the MongoDB Atlas Installation Guide.

After configuration, data from MongoDB Atlas populates the datasets and dashboards and displays information about your organization.