Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Ingesting Data

The Observe Google Cloud Platform (GCP) app streamlines the process of collecting data from GCP. A Pub/Sub topic makes logging and asset inventory information available and monitoring APIs expose metrics from several common GCP services at once. Observe pollers then ingest the data into your Observe environment.

What GCP Data Does Observe Ingest?

Standard Ingestion Sources

The GCP collection automatically ingests the following types of data from a single project:

Setup Overview

Observe provides a Terraform module that creates service accounts, log sink, and a Pub/Sub topic as well as the subscription needed by Observe pollers for your GCP Project. (Observe Google Collection GitHub repository). You can also follow the instructions for the GCP console tab in the Installation Section to provision those resources.

Observe pollers, using your created service account key, extract assets, logs, metrics, and project data and send it into your Observe account at a set interval.

Flow of data from GCP to Observe

Figure 1 - GCP Module Flow



Before proceeding with the GCP app install, ensure you configure your GCP project using either Terraform or the GCP console.

Terraform automates the installation of the required service accounts with assigned IAM roles, Log Sinks, and Pub/Sub topics, as well as the subscription needed by the GCP application. When you finish, you need the service account key, which can be exported by the Terraform module and used by both the Monitoring and Pub/Sub pollers.

Here are the steps for using Terraform:

  1. Install Terraform if needed.

  2. Within the GCP Console search for and enable the following APIs:

    API setup for GCP integrations for Observe

    Figure 2 - API Setup for GCP integrations into Observe

    Bash script example:

        # Set your Google Cloud project ID
        # List of APIs to enable
            ""                    # Cloud Build API
            ""                           # IAM API (Identity and Access Management)
            ""                       # Cloud Logging API
            ""                    # Stackdriver Monitoring API
            ""                        # Cloud Pub/Sub API
            ""          # Cloud Resource Manager API
            ""                # Cloud Scheduler API
            ""                       # Cloud Storage API
            ""                      # Cloud SQL API
            ""                       # Cloud Compute API
            ""                  # Service Usage API
            ""                     # Kubernetes Engine API
            ""                         # Google Cloud Memorystore for Redis API
            ""                           # Cloud Run API
            ""                    # Cloud Tasks API
            ""                    # Cloud Asset API
        # Enable each API
        for api in "${APIS[@]}"
            echo "Enabling $api ..."
            gcloud services enable "$api" --project="$PROJECT_ID"
        echo "All APIs have been enabled."
        echo "Listing enabled APIs for project: $PROJECT_ID"
        gcloud services list --enabled --project="$PROJECT_ID"

3. Create a service account with the following roles:


The service account used here is required to run the terraform and create the collection which requires broad permissions. The service account running the collection does not have these permissions.

To monitor a single project, you need the following roles:



Terraform Programmatic Name


Read access to browse the hierarchy for a project, including the folder, organization, and allow policy. This role doesn’t include permission to view resources in the project.


Cloud Asset Owner

Provides Observe’s Cloud Function to properly use export asset API, providing Observe with all GCP assets


Cloud Scheduler Admin

Get and list access to jobs, executions, and locations.


Cloud Tasks Queue Admin

To create and manage tasks for collection


Logging Admin

This provides the user ability to create an aggregated sink


Monitoring Admin

Allows a user to add projects to metric scope of the service/collection project


Service Management Administrator

Full control of Google Service Management resources.


Service Usage Admin

Allows user to view services currently deployed and provide user the ability to enable and disable services. Used when deploying GCP Infrastructure and enabling metrics services when deploying Observe Collection at the Folder Level


Cloud Functions Admin

Need to manage our collection function


Pub/Sub Admin

To manage pub/sub topic for collection


Service Account Token Creator

For creating collection service account token


Service Usage Consumer

Reading enabled APIs


Delete Service Accounts

Needed for destroying


Create Service Accounts

Create service account for collection


Service Account Key Admin

Create and manage (and rotate) service account keys.


Storage Admin

To create storage bucket


Service Account User

To impersonate function user


Project IAM Admin

To assign permissions to function service accounts


If you would like to monitor a folder and all of the projects in the folder, you need the following roles:



Terraform Programmatic Name


Read access to browse the hierarchy for a project, including the folder, organization, and allow policy. This role doesn’t include permission to view resources in the project.


Cloud Asset Owner

Provides Observe’s Cloud Function to properly use export asset API, providing Observe with all GCP assets


Cloud Scheduler Admin

Get and list access to jobs, executions, and locations.


Cloud Tasks Queue Admin

To create and manage tasks for collection


Folder Admin

Provides all available permissions for working with folders. In particular, listing projects and updating projects.


Logging Admin

This provides the user ability to create an aggregated sink


Monitoring Admin

Allows a user to add projects to metric scope of the service/collection project


Project Creator

Ensures the user’s ability to create a new Project (if a new service/collection project is needed)


Project Deleter

Ensures user’s ability to remove a Project


Project Mover

If you plan on moving Projects from one folder to another


Service Management Administrator

Full control of Google Service Management resources.


Service Usage Admin

Allows user to view services currently deployed and provide user the ability to enable and disable services. Used when deploying GCP Infrastructure and enabling metrics services when deploying Observe Collection at the Folder Level


Cloud Functions Admin

Need to manage our collection function


Pub/Sub Admin

To manage pub/sub topic for collection


Service Account Token Creator

For creating collection service account token


Service Usage Consumer

Reading enabled APIs


Delete Service Accounts

Needed for destroying


Create Service Accounts

Create service account for collection


Service Account Key Admin

Create and manage (and rotate) service account keys.


Storage Admin

To create storage bucket


Service Account User

To impersonate function user


4. Add yourself under “Service account users role” for the service account.

Grant users access to this service account

5. Add Service Account Token Creator to your principal

6. Create a Terraform module. The following Terraform snippets install the GCP collection stack for the project of the Google provider.

Observe currently supports two methods for deploying the Observe GCP collection. You can choose to install the collection for a single project, or for multi-project environments, you deploy the collection to a folder and Observe collects for each project inside of that folder.

Single Project

    provider "google" {
      project = "YOUR_PROJECT_ID"
      region  = "YOUR_DEFAULT_REGION"

    module "observe_gcp_collection" {
      source   = "observeinc/collection/google"
      name     = "dev"
      resource = "projects/YOUR_PROJECT_ID"
      project_id  = "YOUR_PROJECT_ID"

    output "subscription" {
      description = "The Pub/Sub subscription created by this module."
      value       = module.observe_gcp_collection.subscription

    output "service_account_private_key" {
      description = "A service account key sent to the pollers for Pub/Sub and Cloud Monitoring"
      value       = base64decode(module.observe_gcp_collection.service_account_key.private_key)
      sensitive   = true

Folder Collection

    provider "google" {
      project = "YOUR_PROJECT_ID"
      region  = "YOUR_DEFAULT_REGION"

    module "observe_gcp_collection" {
      source   = "observeinc/collection/google"
      name     = "dev"
      resource = "folders/YOUR_FOlDER_ID"
      project_id  = "YOUR_PROJECT_ID" # this is scoping project set in step 8.

    output "subscription" {
      description = "The Pub/Sub subscription created by this module."
      value       = module.observe_gcp_collection.subscription

    output "service_account_private_key" {
      description = "A service account key sent to the pollers for Pub/Sub and Cloud Monitoring"
      value       = base64decode(module.observe_gcp_collection.service_account_key.private_key)
      sensitive   = true


If you choose folder collection, the project you set becomes your metrics scoping project. All other projects in your folder report their metrics through this project with no added GCP charges. If you add projects to the folder, you must run terraform again to add the new projects into the metrics monitoring scope.

7. Set up the Google Cloud SDK and run gcloud auth application-default login to create a credentials file for Terraform to use.

gcloud auth application-default login

8. Set your quota project. This is the project that will be used for billing and project quotas.

gcloud auth application-default set-quota-project <MYQUOTAPROJECT>

9. Set your working project. If you are installing collection for a folder, this is the project you want to be used as the scoping project.

gcloud config set project <MYPROJECT>

10. Run export This runs the terraform as the service account you created in Step 4. A service account is required to create the asset feed, and it cannot be done by a user.


11. Run terraform apply.

terraform apply

12. Record information needed for installation of the GCP App.

To access the service account key after running Terraform, use the

terraform output -raw service_account_private_key
JSON key for GCP integrations for Observe

Figure 3 - JSON key for GCP integrations into Observe

Also, make a note of the created subscription name. You need this for the GCP App installation.

terraform output subscription

Once you create these resources, you can proceed with your GCP App configuration.

Most commonly, you use the Observe Apps install page to install and configure the GCP App. However, Observe can also provide the Terraform modules and providers necessary for this task. Please contact your Observe account manager for assistance.

Within the GCP Console (or gcloud cli), you need to perform the following tasks:

Create Service Accounts

1. Create a Service account with the following details:

  • Service account name: my-observe-poller-service-account
  • Service account ID: my-observe-poller-service-id
  • Service account description: My Observe Pollers
Service account setup for GCP integrations for Observe

Figure 6 - Service Account setup for GCP integrations for Observe

2. Grant this service account access to the project:

  • Role: Monitoring Viewer (roles/monitoring.viewer)

Service Account roles for GCP integrations for Observe

Figure 7 - Service Account Roles for GCP integrations with Observe

3. Generate and download a Service account key for the Service account you just created:

  1. Click on the KEYS tab.
  2. Click ADD KEY.
  3. Select the Key type as JSON.
  4. Click Create.

4. Save the key for the Observe GCP App Installation.

Service Account key setup for GCP integrations for Observe

Figure 8 - Service Account Key setup for GCP integrations for Observe

JSON key for GCP integrations for Observe

Figure 9 - Service Account Key setup for GCP integrations for Observe

Creating a Pub/Sub Topic
  1. Under Topics, click Create a topic.

  2. Configure the following parameters:

  1. Enter the Topic ID observe-topic.
  2. Select Add a default subscription.
  3. Under Encryption select Google-managed encryption key.


Pubsub topic setup for GCP integrations for Observe

Figure 10 - Service Account Key setup for GCP integrations for Observe

On the Subscriptions tab, you see that GCP automatically created a Pub/Sub subscription. You need this information for GCP App setup.

Pub/Sub topic setup for GCP integrations for Observe

Figure 11 - Pub/Sub topic setup for GCP integrations for Observe

Creating a Log Sink

Configure a Log Sink to publish to the Pub/Sub topic.

  1. Under Logs Router, click Create sink.

2. Under Sink details, add the following information:

  1. Enter my-observe-log-sink as the Sink name.
  2. Enter For my Observe pubsub topic for the Sink description.
  3. Log sink setup for GCP integrations for Observe

    Figure 12 - Log Sink setup for GCP integrations with Observe

    3. Under the Sink destination, configure the following parameters:

    1. Select Sink Service Cloud Pub/Sub topic.
    2. Choose the topic under your project that ends with your Sink name. Based on the previous step, use observe-topic.

    4. Click CREATE SINK.

    Log sink topic setup for GCP integrations for Observe

    Figure 13 - Log Sink topic setup for GCP integrations for Observe

    5. Create an inclusion filter to determine which logs you want to include in the Sink.

    Log sink filters for GCP integrations for Observe

    Figure 14 - Log Sink filters for GCP integrations for Observe

    6. Click Create Sink.

    Creating an Asset Feed to Monitor Resource Changes.
    Run the following gcloud command for your project. Be sure to use the pub/sub previously created here.
    gcloud asset feeds create my-asset-updates \
        --project=my-project \
        --asset-types='*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*' \
        --content-type=resource \
    GCP Cloud Functions

    Perform the following tasks using the gcloud cli locally or using a GCP Console Cloud Shell:

    1. Set Your Project and Region IDs as Environment Variables


    2. Create a Service Account for Cloud Functions:

    gcloud iam service-accounts create observe-cloudfunctions --description="Used by the Observe Cloud Functions" --display-name="observe-cloudfunctions"

    3. Assign Roles to the Cloud Function Service Account:

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} --member=serviceAccount:observe-cloudfunctions@${PROJECT_ID} --role=roles/compute.viewer
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} --member=serviceAccount:observe-cloudfunctions@${PROJECT_ID} --role=roles/iam.serviceAccountViewer
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} --member=serviceAccount:observe-cloudfunctions@${PROJECT_ID} --role=roles/cloudscheduler.viewer
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} --member=serviceAccount:observe-cloudfunctions@${PROJECT_ID} --role=roles/cloudasset.viewer
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} --member=serviceAccount:observe-cloudfunctions@${PROJECT_ID} --role=roles/browser
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} --member=serviceAccount:observe-cloudfunctions@${PROJECT_ID} --role=roles/logging.viewer
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} --member=serviceAccount:observe-cloudfunctions@${PROJECT_ID} --role=roles/monitoring.viewer
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} --member=serviceAccount:observe-cloudfunctions@${PROJECT_ID} --role=roles/storage.objectCreator
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} --member=serviceAccount:observe-cloudfunctions@${PROJECT_ID} --role=roles/storage.objectViewer
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} --member=serviceAccount:observe-cloudfunctions@${PROJECT_ID} --role=roles/storage.objectAdmin
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} --member=serviceAccount:observe-cloudfunctions@${PROJECT_ID} --role=roles/storage.admin
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} --member=serviceAccount:observe-cloudfunctions@${PROJECT_ID} --role=roles/cloudfunctions.invoker
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} --member=serviceAccount:observe-cloudfunctions@${PROJECT_ID} --role=roles/cloudtasks.enqueuer
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} --member=serviceAccount:observe-cloudfunctions@${PROJECT_ID} --role=roles/cloudtasks.viewer
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} --member=serviceAccount:observe-cloudfunctions@${PROJECT_ID} --role=roles/cloudtasks.taskDeleter
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} --member=serviceAccount:observe-cloudfunctions@${PROJECT_ID} --role=roles/iam.serviceAccountUser

    4. Create a Service Account for Cloud Scheduler:

    gcloud iam service-accounts create observe-scheduler --description="Allows the Cloud Scheduler job to trigger a Cloud Function" --display-name="observe-scheduler"

    5. Set Up a Storage Bucket:

    gsutil mb -l US gs://${PROJECT_ID}-observe
    gsutil iam ch serviceAccount:observe-cloudfunctions@${PROJECT_ID} gs://${PROJECT_ID}-observe
    gsutil iam ch serviceAccount:observe-cloudfunctions@${PROJECT_ID} gs://${PROJECT_ID}-observe

    6. Set Up a Task Queue:

    gcloud tasks queues create --location=${REGION_ID} observe-assets-queue

    7. Deploy the ‘observe_assets_to_gcs’ Cloud Function:

    # Deploy observe_assets_to_gcs Cloud Function
    gcloud functions deploy observe_assets_to_gcs \
    --runtime=python310 \
    --trigger-http \
    --memory=512MB \
    --allow-unauthenticated \
    --service-account=observe-cloudfunctions@${PROJECT_ID} \
    --source=gs://observeinc/ \
    --entry-point=export_assets \
    --set-env-vars=GCP_REGION=${REGION_ID},GCS_TO_PUBSUB_CLOUD_FUNCTION_URI=https://${REGION_ID}-${PROJECT_ID},LOG_LEVEL=WARNING,OUTPUT_BUCKET=gs://${PROJECT_ID}-observe,PARENT=projects/${PROJECT_ID},PROJECT=${PROJECT_ID},SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL=observe-cloudfunctions@${PROJECT_ID},TASK_QUEUE=observe-assets-queue,TOPIC_ID=projects/${PROJECT_ID}/topics/observe-topic,VERSION=observeinc/ \
    --max-instances=100 \

    8. Assign Roles to the Cloud Scheduler Service Account:

    gcloud functions add-iam-policy-binding observe_assets_to_gcs --project=${PROJECT_ID} --member=serviceAccount:observe-scheduler@${PROJECT_ID} --role=roles/cloudfunctions.invoker

    9. Set Up the Cloud Scheduler:

    gcloud scheduler jobs create http observe-assets-job \
    --schedule="0 * * * *" \
    --http-method=POST \
    --uri=https://${REGION_ID}-${PROJECT_ID} \
    --oidc-service-account-email=observe-scheduler@${PROJECT_ID} \
    --message-body='{}' \
    --headers=Content-Type=application/json \

    10. Deploy the ‘observe_gcs_to_pubsub’ Cloud Function:

    gcloud functions deploy observe_gcs_to_pubsub \
    --runtime=python310 \
    --trigger-http \
    --memory=512MB \
    --allow-unauthenticated \
    --service-account=observe-cloudfunctions@${PROJECT_ID} \
    --source=gs://observeinc/ \
    --entry-point=gcs_to_pubsub \
    --set-env-vars=GCP_REGION=${REGION_ID},GCS_TO_PUBSUB_CLOUD_FUNCTION_URI=not_applicable,LOG_LEVEL=WARNING,OUTPUT_BUCKET=gs://${PROJECT_ID}-observe,PARENT=projects/${PROJECT_ID},PROJECT=${PROJECT_ID},SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL=observe-cloudfunctions@${PROJECT_ID},TASK_QUEUE=observe-assets-queue,TOPIC_ID=projects/${PROJECT_ID}/topics/observe-topic,VERSION=observeinc/ \
    --max-instances=100 \

    11. Set Service Account Permissions for Pub/Sub:

    gcloud pubsub topics add-iam-policy-binding observe \
      --member=serviceAccount:observe-cloudfunctions@${PROJECT_ID} \
      --role=roles/pubsub.publisher \

    12. Deploy the ‘observe_rest_of_assets’ Cloud Function:

    gcloud functions deploy observe_rest_of_assets \
    --runtime=python310 \
    --trigger-http \
    --memory=512MB \
    --allow-unauthenticated \
    --service-account=observe-cloudfunctions@${PROJECT_ID} \
    --source=gs://observeinc/ \
    --entry-point=rest_of_assets \
    --set-env-vars=GCP_REGION=${REGION_ID},GCS_TO_PUBSUB_CLOUD_FUNCTION_URI=not_applicable,LOG_LEVEL=WARNING,OUTPUT_BUCKET=gs://${PROJECT_ID}-observe,PARENT=projects/${PROJECT_ID},PROJECT=${PROJECT_ID},SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL=observe-cloudfunctions@${PROJECT_ID},TASK_QUEUE=observe-assets-queue,TOPIC_ID=projects/${PROJECT_ID}/topics/observe-topic,VERSION=observeinc/ \
    --max-instances=100 \

    13. Schedule the ‘observe_rest_of_assets’ Cloud Function:

    gcloud scheduler jobs create http observe-rest-assets-job \
    --schedule="15 * * * *" \
    --http-method=POST \
    --uri=https://${REGION_ID}-${PROJECT_ID} \
    --oidc-service-account-email=observe-scheduler@${PROJECT_ID} \
    --message-body='{}' \
    --headers=Content-Type=application/json \
    Enabling APIs

    Within the GCP Console, search for and enable the following APIs:



    API setup for GCP integrations for Observe

    Figure 21 - API Setup for GCP integrations for Observe

    After you create the resources and enable the APIs, you can proceed with the GCP App configuration.



Although Observe allows you to control the amount of data consumed from GCP, the consumption of assets, logs, and metrics does incur costs. See Google Cloud’s Operations Suite Pricing for more information.

To proceed with the GCP app install, you must enter the Service Account private key associated with a GCP service account created in Prerequisites.

As a reminder - the service account must have the following permissions:

  • Role: Pub/Sub Subscriber (roles/pubsub.subscriber)

  • Role: Monitoring Viewer (roles/monitoring.viewer)


Navigate to the Apps configuration page in Observe.

GCP Quickstart app for Observe

Figure 22 - Apps on Observe

  1. Select the GCP Quickstart App.

  2. Click Install.

  3. Chose one of the two options:

  • Recommended - installs the recommended Observe content, which can be modified later. Click Continue to proceed.

  • Manual Install - allows you to customize the Observe datastream used and app content installed. Click Continue to proceed.

List of available GCP services on Observe

Figure 23 - Install options

Creating the required connections to GCP
  1. Click Connections.

Connection for GCP integrations for Observe

Figure 24 - Creating the connection for GCP Integrations

2. Next to Onboard metrics for a GCP project, click Create Connection.

3. For the GCP Project ID, enter your Google Project ID.

4. For the Service Account Private Key JSON, enter the entire JSON string you either generated with Terraform, downloaded from the GCP Console.

Create Poller for GCP integrations with Observe

Figure 25 - Creating the poller for GCP Integrations

5. Next to Onboard data using a GCP Pub/Sub Subscription, click Create Connection.

6. For the GCP project ID, enter your Google Project ID.

7. For the Service Account Private Key JSON, enter the entire JSON string you either generated with Terraform or downloaded from the GCP Console.

8. For the GCP Pub/Sub Subscription, enter the Subscription Name you noted in the Terraform, or in the GCP Console setup.

Pub/Sub poller for Pub/Sub subscriptions for Observe

Figure 26 - Creating the poller for Pub/Sub subscriptions

9. Verify that Observe ingests the GCP data.


Figure 27 - Verify the connections

Uninstalling the GCP Quickstart App

Observe Collection

To uninstall GCP collection, remove the observe-gcp-collection module by running the following in the root directory:

$ terraform destroy

The command removes the associated Service Accounts, Pub/Sub Topics, Log Sinks, and the data collection Cloud Function. This does not affect any enabled APIs GCP Console.

Service Account Private Keys also cease to work in the GCP app connections.

If you performed the deployment using the Deployment Manager, then you can delete it using the following commands:

$ gcloud beta deployment-manager deployments delete observe

The command removes the associated Service Accounts, Pub/Sub Topics, Log Sinks, and the data collection Cloud Function. This does not affect any enabled APIs GCP Console.

Service Account Private Keys also stop working in the GCP app connections.

To uninstall using the GCP Console, follow these steps:

Delete Service Accounts
  1. Navigate to Service Account.

  2. Under Email, select the Service Account Emails created in the installation steps.

  3. Click Delete to delete the Service Accounts.

These should be associated with these sample descriptions:

  • For my Observe Poller

  • For data collection Cloud Function

  • For triggering the data collection Cloud Function via Scheduler

Deleting the Pub/Sub Topic
  1. Navigate to Topics.

  2. Select the Topic ID created in the installation steps.

  3. Click Delete to delete the Pub/Sub Topic.

Delete the Log Sink
  1. Navigate to Log Router

  2. Select the Log Router Sink created in the installation steps for Observe Pub/Sub Topic.

  3. Click Delete to delete the Log Router Sink.

Delete GCP Cloud Function
  1. Navigate to Cloud Functions

  2. Select the Function created in the installation steps.

  3. Click Delete to delete the Function.

Delete GCP Cloud Scheduler Job
  1. Navigate to Cloud Scheduler

  2. Select the Scheduler Job created in the installation steps.

  3. Click the Delete icon to delete the Scheduler Job.

Service Account Private Keys also stop working in the GCP app connections.

Disabling APIs

Optionally, disable the following APIs GCP Console:



GCP Quickstart App

To uninstall the GCP Quickstart app from your Observe workspace, follow the instructions located at Apps page.

To uninstall the GCP pollers, follow the instructions located at Github Poller Upgrade page.