
The Workspace Settings menu allows you to review or configure Observe’s settings.

Workspace Settings

  • Workspace Name and Icon - Click the Pencil icon to change the name of the workspace. Click the icon to select a new icon; use the type-ahead search window to find a good image.

  • Default time zone - Observe displays dates and times in the user’s browser’s time zone by default. To override this behavior, select a timezone here. For example, one user might see Pacific Daylight Time, while another might see Mountain Daylight Time, based on their browser settings. By setting this option to Eastern Daylight Time, an administrator can override behavior for all users.

  • Run query methods - Alters the behavior of Auto-run in Explorers and Worksheets for all users. The default is Defaults to “Manual”, which optimizes for lower credit usage but allows Auto-run to be used if a user wants it. Set to Defaults to “Auto-run” to have all Explorer and Worksheet usage use Auto-run by default. You can also set it to Don’t allow “Auto-run” to prevent Auto-run ever being selected.

Instance Settings

  • New User Group - Select the default New User Group to add new users when you create them. Add users to one of the following groups:

    • reader (default)

    • writer

    • admin

  • Allow login autocomplete - Defaults to true. Allows browser autocomplete on the customer login page.

  • Support Login - Previously, when an Observe Support Engineer detected a problem in a customer instance, they would escalate the issue to the account management team, and the account team would manage the resolution with Observe’s Support & Engineering teams. This can introduce delays and potentially slow the resolution of a customer issue. With the addition of the Support Login setting in Workspace settings, administrators for all customers can proactively approve credentialed and audited access for a Support Engineer. Once this account has been initiated, there is an audit trail of every action tied to your Observe account and the stored data. The account also expires unconditionally and must be renewed after 8 hours.

  • Enable OpenAI Features - Enable O11y GPT Help, O11y Explain, Extract Regex, O11y Summarize, and O11y Slack. These features help you learn to shape and use data in Observe. OpenAI services are used by these features. Defaults to true.

  • Enable ObserveAI Features - Enable O11y Copilot. This feature helps you to write OPAL inside the Observe editor. OpenAI services are not used. Defaults to true.


Use the Members panel to view a list of members on Observe. You can also add and manage members.

  • Members – add a member to your workspace. Configure the member with one of the following roles:

    • Reader – Create, modify, and visualize Worksheets for their use. A Reader can also query shared Worksheets, Dashboards, and Datasets and view Monitors.

    • Writer – Perform all Reader tasks. Create and modify all Worksheets, Dashboards, Datasets, Monitors, Datastreams, and Ingest Tokens. Manage Acceleration Jobs using the Acceleration Manager feature.

    • Admin – Perform all Writer tasks. Manage the Observe instance Members as well as modify Member roles and expiration periods.

Create temporary users by configuring an expiration date for them.


Select an expiration time from one day, one week, one month, six months, or up to a year. Select Never expires to create a permanent member. For security reasons, you should select the shortest time period for the user. You can extend it if the user needs more time on your instance.

To disable an active member, hover over the Trashcan icon and then click Yes to confirm.

To delete an active member, disable the member first by clicking the Trashcan icon and click Yes to confirm. Then click the Trashcan icon again to delete the user and click Yes to confirm.

To disable or edit a member, hover over the Pencil icon next to the member to edit the member details or disable the member from Edit Member. Disabling a member does not destroy any of the member’s work.

If the list of members contains the status Invited, clicking the Trashcan icon disables the member’s invite.

After you click the Trashcan icon, click Yes to confirm that you want to delete, disable, or un-invite the member.

Workspace admins may reset a member’s password from the Members tab in Settings. Click the Pencil icon to edit the Member details, and then click Reset User Password at the bottom. Observe sends the Member an email that prompts them to choose a new password.

Acceleration Management

Use Acceleration Manager to set and tune the freshness goal for your datasets. See Using Acceleration Management with Datasets for details.

Credit Management

Use Credit Manager to set and tune the credit usage for your workspace. See Using Credit Manager for details.

Usage Dashboard

View a summary of Observe credit usage, including overall credit usage and credit usage by day. You can also share the worksheet. You must install the Observe Usage reporting app to view the dashboard. For details about the Usage Dashboard, see Understanding the Usage Dashboard.



This page can only be viewed by your Observe instance administrators.

Displays the status of your invoices with Observe. Each invoice can have one of the following sections:

  • Subscription Term - The length of time for the subscription to be active.

  • Charges - The monthly consumption charges on the Observe instance.

  • Credit Consumption - The current number of consumed credits on the Observe instance.

  • Prepaid Balance - The amount of capacity in US Dollars (USD) remaining at the end of the month on an active subscription.

The Status column contains one of the following states:

  • Posted - The invoice has posted to your account by Observe.

  • Paid - You have paid the invoice in full.

  • Partially Paid - Part of the invoice has been paid.

  • Reversed - Observe reversed the charges due to an error or other reason.

Download a copy of the invoice by clicking on the Download icon and download the invoice in PDF format.


Figure 1 - Invoices

Account Settings

  • User information – displays the name and email address of the signed-in user.

  • Account settings – configure your Account settings:

    • Name – the login name of the user.

    • Default time zone – switch to another time zone.

    • Password - Create a new password.

    • Dataset Time Ordering - Alter the default display order of time-ordered data.

    • Role – the role assigned to the user.

    • User ID – ID assigned to the user.


Enable O11y Slack integration for this workspace. As an administrator of Observe and a Slack workspace, you will be able to link this Observe instance’s O11y to your Slack Workspace as an app.

This integration allows O11y Slack to use the Observe-specific capabilities of O11y GPT Help.


O11y Slack integration is not required to use Slack alerting from Monitors.

Uploaded Documents

O11y GPT Help can use additional context from text files when answering questions. This allows the system to use data and context specific to your organization. This data is always used in any O11y GPT conversation if it is recognized as relevant. Observe Administrators can upload, download, or delete files via this page. The Uploaded Files area is also used by Observe’s O11y Slack’s Summarize Save feature, to share runbook knowledge about previous incidents with users who ask questions via O11y GPT Help.