Trace Explorer

The Trace Explorer in Observe enables you to investigate user requests and transactions by analyzing trace data. With powerful filtering and visualization tools, you can connect these requests to the underlying services, infrastructure, or other resources that processed them. Whether you’re troubleshooting errors, inspecting performance bottlenecks, or analyzing specific requests, the Trace Explorer helps you quickly pinpoint and resolve issues.

How to perform common workflows with trace data in Observe

Common user need when looking at a trace

Observe Trace Viewer feature that supports this need

Inspect the call structure of a trace

Flame chart

View a summary of where time was spent in a trace

Service legend in flame chart, as well as inferring from the flame chart itself.

See what resources were used to serve an operation in a trace, or other attributes (e.g., business metadata) associated with the operation

Fields & Attributes tab underneath flame chart.

Inspect errors in a particular span & across a trace

Scan the flame chart for spans in red, then click into those spans for more inspection.

Inspect logs associated with a span or trace

Link to a Log Explorer search with trace id or span id pre-populated. Also, Span Events tab underneath flame chart.

Common user need when searching for traces

Observe Trace Explorer feature that supports this need

Filter a trace search to a particular service

Service facet filter

Filter a trace search to a particular endpoint

Operation facet filter

Filter a trace search to errors only

Status facet filter

Filter a trace search to a particular HTTP status code

status_code facet filter

Filter a trace search to a particular environment

environment facet filter

Filter a trace search to service entry spans only

Span type drop-down and facet filter

Filter a trace search to a particular span attribute

Extract the attribute from the attributes field, then search on it using the query bar.

Filter a trace search to a particular resource attribute

Extract the attribute from the resource_attributes field, then search on it using the query bar.

For more information on how Observe makes trace data available, see the Span dataset schema.

Exporting Data

To download the data displayed in Trace Explorer, click the Export button. You may select CSV or JSON format, and a maximum size limit (one thousand, ten thousand, or one hundred thousand rows). Note that hidden fields will be included. Use the pick_col OPAL verb to reduce the width of downloaded data.

Using custom trace & span datasets

Observe’s trace data features work best with the datasets provided out of the box.

If you want to use a custom span dataset, here’s what you’ll need to provide in the dataset definition (Observe automatically builds traces from spans, so you don’t need to provide a trace dataset):

Trace Explorer feature

Field(s) required in your span dataset

Use Trace Explorer at all on your dataset

span_name, span_id, trace_id, parent_span_id, start_time, and end_time fields

Filter on span type in dropdown

span_type field. The available values of the Type field are: ”Request Entry Point”, “Service Entry Point”, “Remote Call”

Filter on start time

start_time field

Duration chart

duration field

Error chart

response_status field

Service facet filter & group by Service on charts

Service field

Operation facet filter & group by Operation on charts

span_name field

Environment facet filter & group by Environment on charts

environment field

Version facet filter & group by Version on charts

version field

Error chart, response status facet filter & group by response status on charts

response_status field (When response_status is Error, the span is an error span)

Status code facet filter & group by Status code on charts

status_code field

View the flame graph for a trace

start_time, end_time, and duration fields

View the list of services in a given trace

Service field

View span events for a given span

No required fields in the span dataset; this requires a dataset named Span Event that has a foreign key column coming from the your span dataset

Your dataset also needs set_primary_key trace_id, span_id in the definition.