How do I Compare Time Ranges in OPAL?

There is not currently a specific mechanism to comparing a value versus that same value one day or week ago. Instead, this function can be achieved by using union with a second stage that offsets the time, bringing data samples from “yesterday” forward to “today”.

Example OPAL:

make_col series:"today"
@shifted <- @ {
  // offset the time forward by 1 day to bring yesterday into today
  make_col new_vf:timestamp+1d
  // use the shifted time column
  set_valid_from options(max_time_diff:25h), new_vf
  rename_col timestamp:new_vf
  // and mark this series as yesterday
  make_col series:"yesterday"
union @shifted
// do whatever aggregation you're looking at, include the series indicator
timechart 1h, count(1), group_by(series)

The query time window must include both yesterday and today for this to work.