GitHub is a Git-based platform for version control and small-to-large scale project collaboration. Code can be hosted, searched, updated, reviewed, and more.
Observe helps you monitor the GitHub activity of your organizations with these features:
Datasets containing frequently-updated information about GitHub Action runs, commits, pull requests, releases, and issues for investigation of emergent issues.
Organizational data about repositories, users, and security and admin settings.
Dashboards for quickly checking the state of your organization.
The ability to tightly control permissions around the data included in your logs.
Viewing GitHub Data in Observe¶
When you install the GitHub app, the app also installs default dashboards for monitoring and reviewing GitHub events. The following dashboards are installed by default:
GitHub/Pull Request
GitHub/Activity Dashboard¶
The GitHub/Activity dashboard provides a high-level overview of your organizational output, with information on the following activity:
Pull Requests

Figure 1 - GitHub Activity dashboard
Use the dashboard for debugging and troubleshooting as well as viewing the activity in your GitHub organization within a time window. Use it to answer questions such as:
Which Action runs are failing or hanging?
Were there any force pushed commits around the time of an emergent issue?
Did any new releases get created during a specific timeframe?
Did any pull requests merge during a specific timeframe?
GitHub/Administration Dashboard¶
Get an overview of your organizations for administrative and security purposes, with insights for the following:

Figure 2 - GitHub/Administration dashboard
From the dashboard, you see an overview of your organization members, repositories, following/followers, and disk usage. As well as recently created and updated repository information, and recently created issues.
GitHub/Issues Dashboard¶
Review the GitHub/Issues dashboard for open and closed GitHub/Issues occurring in your GitHub repositories.

Figure 3 - GitHub/Issues dashboard
The GitHub app ingests data using webhooks and the Observe API poller. To install and configure data collection, see the GitHub Installation Guide.
After configuration, data from GitHub populates the datasets and boards and displays information about all of your organizations.
GitHub App v0.7.0 Poller Upgrade¶
With the release of version 0.7.0 of the GitHub app, changes have been made to the poller ingest method that require any existing pollers be removed and recreated.
For more information, please see the GitHub Poller Upgrade Guide.