Unified Search Syntax


Unified Search Syntax is available for tenants created after December 5, 2024. If your Observe tenant was created before this date and you want to enable the new Unified Search Syntax, please reach out to Observe for assistance. Use the in-product Contact Support button to contact Observe for more information. On the left side navigation menu, click Docs & Support, Contact Support, and Send Us a Message to contact an Observe Data Engineer.

The unified search syntax simplifies keyword searches while providing users with precise control through highly specific search patterns.


Each input string is tokenized into keywords (tokens) by the following list of separators. Each token is considered a single keyword.

'[', ']', '<', '>', '(', ')', '{', '}',
'|', '!', ';', ',', '&', '?', '+', '\'', '"', '\n',
'\r', '\t', ' ', '=',
'/', ':', '@',  '.', '-','$', '#', '%', '\\', '_',
'~', '`', '^', '*',
0x1D, // Group Separator ASCII
0x1E, // Record Separator ASCII
0x1F, // Unit Separator ASCII
// Multi byte
'␝', // U+241D - Group Separator UTF-8
'␞', // U+241E - Record Separator UTF-8
'␟', // U+241F - Unit Separator UTF-8

This string, I20240912 18:04:10.088056  23943 core/src/handler.cpp:216] msg="ingest error" customer_id=1234567890 path=/v2/otel/v1/metrics request_id=c2cd80b32a04d384cbdae5e8c4cc80c5 ingest_error="decode_error: opentelemetry sum metric has no data points", is tokenized into the following keywords (tokens).

['I20240912', '18', '04', '10', '088056', '23943', 'core', 'src', 'handler', 'cpp', '216', 'msg', 'ingest', 'error', 'customer', 'id', '1234567890', 'path', 'v2', 'otel', 'v1', 'metrics', 'request', 'id', 'c2cd80b32a04d384cbdae5e8c4cc80c5', 'ingest', 'error', 'decode', 'error', 'opentelemetry', 'sum', 'metric', 'has', 'no', 'data', 'points']

Searching for a single keyword

Search Syntax


filter log ~ error

Searches the log column for the term error.

Searching for multiple keywords

Search Syntax


filter log ~ <error message>

Searches the log column for the terms error and message. Order of the terms doesn’t matter and it is the same as filter log ~ error AND log ~ message.

filter log ~ "error message"

Searches the log column for the exact phase error message. Order of the terms matters.

Queries with non-space separators symbols

Search Syntax


filter log ~ "error-level"

Searches for token error immediately followed by - and then token level. Matches: error-level, error-level: severe Non-matches: error level, error--level, level-error

Search on all fields


Users are strongly advised to specify a specific column to search in order to get results faster

Search Syntax


filter * ~ error

Searches all columns for the term error. It is the same as filter * ~ <error>.