Elastic Load Balancing Metrics

The following tables list the ELB metrics collected by the AWS Integration. You may wish to navigate this page using the Contents located in the right sidebar, or search for a metric of interest.

Application Load Balancer Metrics




The total number of concurrent TCP connections active from clients to the load balancer and from the load balancer to targets.


The number of TLS connections initiated by the client that did not establish a session with the load balancer due to a TLS error.

Possible causes include a mismatch of ciphers or protocols or the client failing to verify the server certificate and closing the connection.


The number of load balancer capacity units (LCU) used by your load balancer. You pay for the number of LCUs that you use per hour. For more information, see Elastic Load Balancing pricing in the AWS documentation.


The number of requests that do not comply with RFC 7230.


The number of requests where the load balancer removed HTTP headers with header fields that are not valid before routing the request.

The load balancer removes these headers only if the routing.http.drop_invalid_header_fields.enabled attribute is set to true.


The number of requests routed by the load balancer with HTTP headers with invalid header fields.

The load balancer forwards requests with these headers only if the routing.http.drop_invalid_header_fields.enabled attribute is set to false.


The number of gRPC requests processed over IPv4 and IPv6.


The number of successful fixed-response actions


The successful number of redirect actions


The number of incomplete redirect actions because the URL in the response location header is larger than 8K.


The number of HTTP 3XX redirection codes that originate from the load balancer. This count does not include response codes generated by targets.


The number of HTTP 4XX client error codes that originate from the load balancer. This count does not include response codes generated by targets.

ELB generates client errors when requests are malformed or incomplete. These requests were not received by the target, other than in the case where the load balancer returns an HTTP 460 error code. This count does not include any response codes generated by the targets.


The number of HTTP 5XX server error codes that originate from the load balancer. This count does not include any response codes generated by the targets.


The number of HTTP 500 error codes that originate from the load balancer.


The number of HTTP 502 error codes that originate from the load balancer.


The number of HTTP 503 error codes that originate from the load balancer.


The number of HTTP 504 error codes that originate from the load balancer.


The total number of bytes processed by the load balancer over IPv6. This count is included in ProcessedBytes.


The number of IPv6 requests received by the load balancer.


The total number of new TCP connections established from clients to the load balancer and from the load balancer to targets.


The number of requests where the load balancer chose a new target because it couldn’t use an existing sticky session.

For example, the request was the first request from a new client and no stickiness cookie was presented, a stickiness cookie was presented but it did not specify a target that was registered with this target group, the stickiness cookie was malformed or expired, or an internal error prevented the load balancer from reading the stickiness cookie.


The total number of bytes processed by the load balancer over IPv4 and IPv6. This count includes traffic to and from clients and Lambda functions, and traffic from an Identity Provider (IdP) if user authentication is enabled.


The number of connections that were rejected because the load balancer had reached its maximum number of connections.


The number of rules processed by the load balancer given a request rate averaged over an hour.


The total number of bytes processed by the load balancer for requests to and responses from a Lambda function.


The number of user authentications that could not be completed because an authenticate action was misconfigured, the load balancer couldn’t establish a connection with the Identity Provider (IdP), or the load balancer couldn’t complete the authentication flow due to an internal error.

To get the error reason codes, check the error_reason field of the access log.


The number of user authentications that could not be completed because the Identity Provider (IdP) denied access to the user or an authorization code was used more than once.

To get the error reason codes, check the error_reason field of the access log.


The time elapsed, in milliseconds, to query the Identity Provider (IdP) for the ID token and user info. If one or more of these operations fail, this is the time to failure.


The number of times the load balancer successfully refreshed user claims using a refresh token provided by the Identity Provider (IdP).


The number of authentication actions that were successful. This metric is incremented at the end of the authentication workflow, after the load balancer has retrieved the user claims from the Identity Provider (IdP).


The number of times that a configured Identity Provider (IdP) returned user claims that exceeded 11K bytes in size.


The time elapsed, in seconds, after the request leaves the load balancer until a response from the target is received. This is equivalent to the target_processing_time field in the access logs.

Network Load Balancer Metrics




The total number of concurrent flows (or connections) from clients to targets. This metric includes connections in the SYN_SENT and ESTABLISHED states.

TCP connections are not terminated at the load balancer, so a client opening a TCP connection to a target counts as a single flow.


The total number of concurrent TCP flows (or connections) from clients to targets. This metric includes only connections in the ESTABLISHED state.

TCP connections are not terminated at the load balancer, so a client opening a TCP connection to a target counts as a single flow.


The total number of concurrent TLS flows (or connections) from clients to targets. This metric includes only connections in the ESTABLISHED state.


The total number of concurrent UDP flows (or connections) from clients to targets.


The total number of TLS handshakes that failed during negotiation between a client and a TLS listener.


The number of load balancer capacity units (LCU) used by your load balancer. You pay for the number of LCUs that you use per hour. For more information, see Elastic Load Balancing pricing in the AWS documentation.


The number of load balancer capacity units (LCU) used by your load balancer for TCP. You pay for the number of LCUs that you use per hour. For more information, see Elastic Load Balancing pricing in the AWS documentation.


The number of load balancer capacity units (LCU) used by your load balancer for TLS. You pay for the number of LCUs that you use per hour. For more information, see Elastic Load Balancing pricing in the AWS documentation.


The number of load balancer capacity units (LCU) used by your load balancer for UDP. You pay for the number of LCUs that you use per hour. For more information, see Elastic Load Balancing pricing in the AWS documentation.


The number of targets that are considered healthy.


The total number of new flows (or connections) established from clients to targets in the time period.


The total number of new TCP flows (or connections) established from clients to targets in the time period.


The total number of new TLS flows (or connections) established from clients to targets in the time period.


The total number of new UDP flows (or connections) established from clients to targets in the time period.


Highest average throughput (bytes per second), calculated every 10 seconds during the sampling window. This metric includes health check traffic.


Highest average packet rate (packets processed per second), calculated every 10 seconds during the sampling window. This metric includes health check traffic.


The total number of bytes processed by the load balancer, including TCP/IP headers. This count includes traffic to and from targets, minus health check traffic.


The total number of bytes processed by TCP listeners.


The total number of bytes processed by TLS listeners.


The total number of bytes processed by UDP listeners.


The total number of packets processed by the load balancer. This count includes traffic to and from targets, including health check traffic.


The total number of TLS handshakes that failed during negotiation between a TLS listener and a target.


The total number of reset (RST) packets sent from a client to a target. These resets are generated by the client and forwarded by the load balancer.


The total number of reset (RST) packets generated by the load balancer.


The total number of reset (RST) packets sent from a target to a client. These resets are generated by the target and forwarded by the load balancer.


The number of targets that are considered unhealthy.

Target Group Metrics




The number of requests processed over IPv4 and IPv6. This metric is only incremented for requests where the load balancer node was able to choose a target.

Requests rejected before a target is chosen (for example, HTTP 460, HTTP 400, some kinds of HTTP 503 and 500) are not reflected in this metric.


The number of targets that are considered healthy.


The number of HTTP 3XX response codes generated by the targets. This does not include any response codes generated by the load balancer.


The number of HTTP 3XX response codes generated by the targets. This does not include any response codes generated by the load balancer.


The number of HTTP 4XX response codes generated by the targets. This does not include any response codes generated by the load balancer.


The number of HTTP 5XX response codes generated by the targets. This does not include any response codes generated by the load balancer.


The average number of requests received by each target in a target group. This metric does not apply if the target is a Lambda function.


The number of connections that were not successfully established between the load balancer and target. This metric does not apply if the target is a Lambda function.


The time elapsed, in seconds, after the request leaves the load balancer until a response from the target is received. This is equivalent to the target_processing_time field in the access logs.


The number of TLS connections initiated by the load balancer that did not establish a session with the target.

Possible causes include a mismatch of ciphers or protocols. This metric does not apply if the target is a Lambda function.


The number of targets that are considered unhealthy.