Getting Help with Observe

Sometimes you just need a hand, and Observe offers a few options.

In-product Help

To speak with someone at Observe, use the in-product Contact Support button. On the left side navigation menu, click Docs & Support, Contact Support, and Send Us a Message to contact an Observe Data Engineer.

In-Product Help Tool

Figure 1 - In-Product Help Tool

Observe Community Slack

Observe customers also have access to private channels on the Observe Community Slack. This can be a useful path for searching older conversation threads or pinned documents. Your Observe account team is in your private channel as well.


If you’re not in the product, you can contact our Product Specialist team at or submit a request through the Observe Support Desk.

AI Help

Observe also offers in-product help using O11y, our GPT bot.

O11y GPT Help

You can access O11y GPT Help anywhere in Observe from the left navigation menu, under Help, if allowed by your Observe administrator. Ask O11y GPT about specific functionality within Observe, how to perform tasks, and how to solve problems.

O11y Copilot

In addition to the interactive O11y GPT Help feature, Observe provides O11y Copilot assistance. You can access O11y Copilot from the OPAL editor in any Explorer, Worksheet, Dashboard, or Monitor, if allowed by your Observe administrator.

O11y Slack

Observe’s O11y GPT Help integrates with Slack, adding troubleshooting assistance during incidents. From within Slack, you can call @O11y to answer questions or summarize conversations.