Filter Logs or Metrics¶
Filter Logs¶
Let’s suppose you want to exclude all logs with a path starting with /var/log/pods/default_log-generator-csv
with the following configuration.
enabled: true
# log lines above this size will be truncated
maxLogSize: 512kb
# If true, the receiver will pause reading a file and attempt to resend the current batch of logs if it encounters an error from downstream components.
enabled: true
# A list of file glob patterns that match the file paths to be read.
include: '["/var/log/pods/*/*/*.log", "/var/log/kube-apiserver-audit.log"]'
# A list of file glob patterns to exclude from reading. This is applied against the paths matched by include.
exclude: '["/var/log/pods/default_log-generator-csv*/**"]'
# time unit 1m, 1h, 1d
excludeOlderThan: 1d
# At startup, where to start reading logs from the file. Options are beginning or end.
startAt: end
Redeploy the Observe Agent
Run the following command to redeploy the Observe Agent in the observe
namespace with the prometheusScrape configuration.
helm upgrade --reuse-values observe-agent observe/agent -n observe --values filter-logs-values.yaml
Restart pods
Run the following commands to restart the pods with the updated configuration.
kubectl rollout restart deployment -n observe
kubectl rollout restart daemonset -n observe
Run the following command to make sure the Observe Agent has been redeployed successfully.
kubectl get pods -o wide -n observe
For more examples, see Generating sample logs
Filter Metrics By Name¶
The following config block can be used to filter prometheus metrics from pods.
# use this option to scrape prometheus metrics from pods
enabled: true
interval: 10s
# namespaces to exclude from scraping
namespaceDropRegex: (.*istio.*|.*ingress.*|kube-system)
# namespaces to explicity include for scraping - can use or (ns1|ns2)
namespaceKeepRegex: (default)
# port names to scrape from - can use or .*metrics|otherportname
portKeepRegex: .*metrics|web
# metrics to drop
metricDropRegex: .*gc_heap_allocs.*
# metrics to keep
metricKeepRegex: (.*)
Let’s suppose you’d like to stop collecting scrape_samples_post_metric_relabeling
with the following configuration.
# use this option to scrape prometheus metrics from pods
enabled: true
interval: 60s
# namespaces to exclude from scraping
namespaceDropRegex: (.*istio.*|.*ingress.*|kube-system)
# namespaces to explicity include for scraping - can use or (ns1|ns2)
namespaceKeepRegex: (default)
# port names to scrape from - can use or .*metrics|otherportname
portKeepRegex: .*metrics|web
# metrics to drop
metricDropRegex: (scrape_samples_post_metric_relabeling)
# metrics to keep
metricKeepRegex: (.*)
Redeploy the Observe Agent
Run the following command to redeploy the Observe Agent in the observe
namespace with the prometheusScrape configuration.
helm upgrade --reuse-values observe-agent observe/agent -n observe --values filter-prometheus-metrics.yaml
Restart pods
Run the following commands to restart the pods with the updated configuration.
kubectl rollout restart deployment -n observe
kubectl rollout restart daemonset -n observe
Run the following command to make sure the Observe Agent has been redeployed successfully.
kubectl get pods -o wide -n observe
For more examples, see Prometheus pod metrics scrape example