Fastly app installation guide

What data does it ingest?

The Fastly app collects data from two sources:

  • HTTPS Logging Endpoint which is configured on each service in Fastly and sends request logs to an Observe ingestion endpoint

  • The Observe poller for Fastly periodically collects data about the services that are configured in Fastly.

The sections below describe how to ingest data, install, and configure these collectors. For more about exploring this data see Fastly.


Install the Fastly app using the App section under Applications in the navigation bar.

Fastly app installation page

Figure 1 - Fastly app card

HTTPS Logging Endpoint Setup

In Fastly, set up a logging endpoint for your Fastly service. As traffic is served, request logs will then be sent to Observe.

To configure a logging endpoint for your service, navigate to the configuration page for any service in Fastly.

  1. Select Logging in the left side navigation menu.

Fastly logging endpoint

Figure 2 - Fastly logging endpoint setup

2. Create a new logging endpoint. When prompted on which type of logging endpoint to create, scroll down to the HTTPS option.

Fastly logging endpoint

Figure 3 - Create Fastly logging endpoint

Fastly logging endpoint

Figure 4 - Fastly HTTPS logging endpoint

3. Configure the following settings: * URL: https://${OBSERVE_CUSTOMER?}.collect.${OBSERVE_DOMAIN?}/v1/http/fastly/logs

Fastly HTTPS endpoint config

Figure 5 - Fastly HTTPS logging endpoint configuration

4. Under Advanced Settings, configure the following settings:

* **Content type**: `application/json`
* **Custom header name**: `Authorization`
* **Custom header value**: `${OBSERVE_TOKEN?}`
* **Method**: `POST`

Then save the configuration. Fastly should start sending logs to the Observe HTTP ingestion endpoint and within a few minutes you should see data start to populate in the datastream and datasets.

Fastly HTTPS endpoint config

Figure 6 - Fastly HTTPS endpoint advanced settings

Poller Configuration

Pollers periodically request data from the Fastly API, allowing ingestion of additional Fastly service metadata. In order to set up a Poller, you’ll need to first configure API credentials in Fastly.

  1. After logging into Fastly, from the top right account dropdown menu, select Account.

Fastly account

Figure 7 - Fastly Account Settings

2. In the left hand navigation bar under Personal Profile, select API Tokens.

Fastly account tokens

Figure 8 - Fastly Account Tokens

3. Click the Create Token button in the top right. Re-enter your password if necessary on the next page.

4. Configure the following settings: * Type: Automation token * Role: User * Scope: Read-only access * Access: All services on ${ACCOUNT_NAME} * Expiration: Never expire

Fastly API Token config

Figure 9 - Fastly API Token Configuration

Then create the token. Make sure to copy the token and store it securely before moving on.

5. With the token we can now set up the API Poller connection. In Observe, select Applications in the left hand navigation bar and then select the Fastly app. Click Manage and then Connections. Finally, find the API Poller connection and click Get started.

Observe configure connections

Figure 10 - Observe Connections Configuration

6. Configure the following settings: * Fastly Token: ${FASTLY_API_TOKEN} * Interval Duration: 10m0s

Observe configure connections

Figure 11 - Observe Connections Configuration

Then create the new poller. Once created, you should start to see data populate in the Service dataset.