Understanding the License Dashboard¶
The License Dashboard displays your recent ingest usage on your Ingest licensed instance. Access it through the Dashboard listing, or Settings -> Workspace Settings -> License Dashboard.
This dashboard is not available in compute consumption license plans. See Usage Dashboard instead.
Use the Credit Manager to manage interactive user credit limits, and use the Acceleration Manager to adjust the usage of data transformation and monitoring. You may also want to review the OPAL used in datasets and monitors for optimization opportunities: contact your Observe Data Engineer for assistance.
The top section, Ingest Utilization, displays cards for the following categories:
Log Ingest vs Daily Limit - the amount of log data ingested on a daily basis.
Metrics Ingest vs Daily Limit - the amount of metrics data ingested on a daily basis.
Spans Ingest vs Daily Limit - the amount of span data ingested on a daily basis.
Daily limits for a type of data are not hard enforced; data will not be dropped because of a license limitation. However, excess ingest may cause your instance to exceed compute rate limits, which may lead to data staleness or reduced query performance.

Figure 1 - Ingest panels in License dashboard
The remaining sections report on compute utilization in your instance. Instances on ingest-based subscription plans are provisioned with a compute rate limits that are proportional to the plan’s ingest volume. Use these sections to monitor compute usage relative to these rate limits.