Drata App (Public Preview)

The Drata App provides a structure for data collected from the Drata Compliance API.

Viewing Drata Data in Observe

Resource Sets

Installing the Drata app provides the following Datasets to use with your data:


  • Drata Devices ComplianceChecks Events - Compliance Checks for devices

  • Drata Events Audit - Category audit data from events API

  • Drata Events Autopilot - Category autopilot data from events API

  • Drata Events Company - Category company data from events API

  • Drata Events Evidence - Category evidence data from events API

  • Drata Events MDM - Category MDM data from events API

  • Drata Events Policy - Category policy data from events API

  • Drata Events User - Category user data from events API

  • Drata Monitors - Monitor checks

  • Drata Personnel ComplianceChecks - the extracted personnel compliance check data

  • Drata Personnel ComplianceTests - the extracted personnel compliance test data

  • Drata Raw Asset Events - the raw data from Drata’s Asset API

  • Drata Raw Events - the raw data from Drata’s Events API

Resource Sets

  • Drata Assets Personnel - the Asset resources reference type personnel

  • Drata Assets Policies - the Asset resources reference type policy

  • Drata Assets Reports - the Asset resources reference type report

  • Drata Assets Virtual - the Asset resources reference type virtual

  • Drata Assets Workstations - the Asset resources reference type workstation,

  • Drata Connections - Connections to Drata data sources

  • Drata Controls - Drata Controls list

  • Drata Devices - Devices from personnel API

  • Drata Personnel - Personnel from the Personnel API

  • Drata Risk Categories - category name and ID mapping to Risk ID linked to Risks

  • Drata Risk Controls - control name and ID mapping to Risk ID linked to Risks

  • Drata Risks - Risks from the Risk API

  • Drata Vendors - Vendors from the Vendor API


  • Drata/Drata Data Ingest Status - Displays ingest statistics for raw events, assets and metadata about connections, monitors and vendors.