OpenTelemetry Collector¶
OpenTelemetry provides a framework for creating and managing telemetry data such as traces, metrics and logs. It has several components, including libraries for instrumenting your application and a vendor-agnostic Collector. The Collector sends data to Observe using the OpenTelemetry endpoint.
I don’t have an OpenTelemetry Collector¶
Our Helm chart for traces will install an OpenTelemetry Collector into your Kubernetes environment. Once the OpenTelemetry Collector is up and running, you can configure your application to send telemetry data to the OpenTelemetry Collector using one of the following addresses:
OTLP/HTTP endpoint: http://observe-traces.observe.svc.cluster.local:4318
OTLP/grpc endpoint: http://observe-traces.observe.svc.cluster.local:4317
I already have an OpenTelemetry Collector¶
Configure your OpenTelemetry Collector to export data over OTLP/HTTP to Observe’s OpenTelemetry endpoint. For information on how to do this, see the OpenTelemetry Endpoint.